We are sorry, but we can not process any hotel reservations anymore.
If you did not reserve a room until February 14 then we kindly ask you to contact the Tourist Information (VVV). They should be able to assist you with finding accommodation in Eindhoven.
We did reserve blocks of rooms at a special rate in two nice hotels that are within walking distance from TU/e ( marks the workshop and the spring school site on the map) and downtown Eindhoven (everything with the pinkish streets is the pedestrian zone).
Stratumsedijk 23d ( on the map)
25 min. walk to TU/e
Single: 80,00 €
Double: 93,00 €
Markt 7 ( on the map)
15 min. walk to TU/e
Single: 77,50 €
Double: 94,00 €
All prices include breakfast but exclude the city tax of 3,50 € per night per person. |
Click on the map to see a larger version. |